>Agriculture Finances

Agriculture Finances

Agriculture Production Loan

Purpose For provision of Agri inputs and working capital i.e. short term loans for purchase of seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. to boost agriculture growth and employment generation in the State of AJK
Eligibility Progressive and willing farmers in the category of individuals, joint ventures, and group initiatives can avail facility in the area of crops, vegetables, orchards, fruit gardening, etc and allied production activities. Those farmers having own or leased land for farming/agricultural activities in the jurisdiction of AJK
Age limit 18-60 years
Loan Limit Upto Rs. 200,000/-
Tenure One year
Repayment Lump sum/borrowers discretion
Primary Security Hypothecation of stock
Secondary Security One P.G of  BPS-11 or above or Lien of Deposits or Pledge of Gold
Insurance As per Bank’s policy
Margin Not required